Tuesday, July 29, 2008

So far, so good

So yesterday was really exciting because I had so much energy. I was so encouraged. It was good for me to see something positive come from decreasing meds, which hasn 't been the case in such a long time.

Just to clarify, I've been reviewing my types of medications and dosages every 3-8 weeks with my psychiatrist for just over two years. Before that I had been off all meds for nearly four years. I hated going back on, but if you only knew what my rock bottom was like you'd understand my intense fear of going off again. I'll probably stay on the other medication since it has minimal side effects and great benefits.

By 7 last night, the energy was disappearing. I went on to bed around 8:30, and by 9 I could feel my spirits sinking a little. But who cares...no tears or anything, just ready to end the day snuggled up to Chris and getting a good night's sleep.

Thanks again for all the prayers and encouragement. My prayer for you is that you will read this and be reminded of how attentive our God is to hear us, and that you will be driven to lift all your requests and intercessions to Him with increasing fervor and faithfulness.

And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

1 comment:

Duffy said...

It is so good to see how God is answering our prayers. I love you very much and I really appreciate how you are sharing with us. I will continue praying as things around you continue to change. Thank you for your support and prayers in the midst of all my changes too!