Monday, January 28, 2008

Manic Monday

So starts another Monday morning with all my self-motivation in high gear. Today I WILL:

Get up before all my friends think I will.
Put my shoes on first thing so I will have more energy to start the day.
Start a load of laundry before the kids get up.
Only spend five minutes checking my email.
Feed the children breakfast instead of snacking during school.
Not pull my hair out while Jane drags her feet during multiplication.
Remain calm when Stephen does his spelling while climbing on my back.
Go to the Ymca and do more than walk on the
treadmill while watching a movie.
Read a book to my children.
Put away Christmas decorations.
Fold the laundry I washed.
Serve a vegetable with dinner.
Remember the bathe the children.
Speak to my husband after the kids go to bed.
Not have a snack after eight o'clock.
Turn the light off at ten-thirty so I can start again tomorrow.


KT said...

Umm, are you flying?

Katie Thompson said...

Nope, just heard the shoes thing from Angela. Seems to work really well!