Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm avoiding stuff...

Like taking a shower, baking brownies for community group snack, helping the kids clean their rooms, moving the laundry, cooking dinner, and I'm sure I'm missing something. ALL of this is supposed to be done in the next 70 minutes. A lot of times I work well under pressure, but that's usually for stuff outside the home: weddings, church projects, helping a friend. But when there's a deadline at home, I sometimes just fade into nothing. Just hanging out waiting for a burst of energy that only occasionally shows up. So if I'm going to waste time, I might as well blog, which I so rarely do anymore.

Sometimes writing is energizing. Sometimes it's depressing. But confession is always good for the soul. I confess that I am being lazy and selfish, and that I'm looking for a way to get out of going to community group. I really want to go...there's no way we won't have a fantastic discussion tonight. But don't you think that sometimes it's just easier to stay in your bubble and not answer that "how are you?" question? Strangely enough, I'm actually fine. I just usually elaborate more than I think I should. People say they like that, but the two or three people in my world who look at me like I'm crazy when I go on and on are the ones I think of when the devil tells me I'm a social idiot.

Anyway, I'm elaborating again. But since Nanette is probably the only one reading this, I don't feel so bad. But my seven minutes of avoiding life are over since I know Chris will be here soon and may not put up with another evening of taking the kids to c'group by himself.

Here I go...


Lorie said...

Just for the record, Nanette is NOT the only one who reads your blog, although I do feel the same way about my blog. Nanette is always so good about leaving a comment so you know she's been there.
For me, just getting out the door is half the battle & now that I've got TWO small children, it seems to take so long. The thought of going to the grocery store with both of them seems quite daunting. I know exactly how you feel when it comes to going to community group or church. I always know that once I get there I'll be glad I went, but some times getting the motivation to get moving is hard. And we haven't been on time to church since Eve was born, which just drives me crazy because my favorite part is the music & I just hate being late. And I like to know how you REALLY are when I ask. But I know what you mean about that too. When I was working I always hated the morning ritual of asking & being asked "how are you today?" I felt like those people didn't care how I really was & I got tired of saying "fine" just to have a quick, short answer.
I avoid stuff, too, but I'll stop rambling for now.

Nanette R. said...

I feel so honored to have been mentioned twice in this blog post and comment! :-) I know lots of people are blog readers and not commenters (you know who you are!!), so let yourselves be known sometimes so I don't feel so alone (on my blog or on other people's). It's what the blog community is all about! :-)
And for the record, I'm procrastinating as I type b/c the night is getting away from me and I need to do other things . . .

Alyssa K. Krebs said...

I read you blog Aunt Katie! I check it every day like I do the other dozen blogs I read. Seriously count them, I'm not kidding! Anyway I'm 15 and I sometimes want to skip CG. And like Mrs. Lorie I sometimes dislike the "How are you?" ritual as well, but only when it is obvious that it is just an automatic question. When it is sincere I think it's nice. Sorry I'm Rambling!

robin said...

okay, i have to confess, i'm much more of a reader than a writer! sorrrry...but,i do love catching up on what everyone is doing or dealing with. katie, i can so relate to the mile long list to do in an hour's time. i actually look forward to having company just so i will be forced to accomplish things that have been waiting to get done. i've grown up to think it's just normal behavior. well, isnt it?

Christi said...

Ok ... now you know ... you have several readers!
Love ya - hope to visit again soon!

Kevin said...

I often "avoid" commenting on blogs.