Well, we may not make it into then next issue of Real Simple, but it's done. We're letting go of about half of Stephen's stuff, and we are optimistic that the big boxes will work. Moving the bed makes his room look much bigger, and he finally has a nightstand for the first time in his life! We went a couple of streets over to buy a three drawer dresser that we found on craigslist. It ain't fancy, but then again neither are we!
I grew up in a home where my mom re-arranged the furniture in our rooms regularly. She'd clean everything out, move the bed, and do a little something to make it more special, like add a new poster or bedspread. To finish it off she'd put new sheets on the bed, turn on the bedside lamp, and fold back the covers. When I went to bed at the end of the day, I felt like a princess in a new castle. And I think I understand now that she intended it that way.
Now mom comes over to repeat this ritual with Jane every couple of months. They are a hoot, two organizational freaks who speak similar languages. I'll go in and see things I would never take the time to do in a nine year old's room like books being sorted into categories, pillows being meticulously arranged on the bed, and a list on the wall of a daily to do list for keeping a clean room.
But Jane doesn't get the final touch: the lamp and folded down bed. I like having that memory all to myself.
My mom had those subtle ways of making me feel genuinely special. They were a free gift from her heart. I hope and pray that I am creating some memories like that for my children, little things they can look back on that will be a beacon reminding them how dear that were to me.
Love you, Mom.
his room looks great!
thanks for coming over and helping me feel special!
Thanks for sharing your sweet memory of your mom's gift of love to you. You all are a special family and I'm glad that I can know you! :-)
The lamp was the true icon your room had been arranged correctly. Those beds offered the best nights sleep after a long Saturday of moving and cleaning. Praise the Lord for Momma.
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