Shopping for birthday gifts is a delight. I love it, even when I don't know what I am looking for. Walking through the aisles thinking, "Hmmm. Maybe that's it. No, too practical. What's something she wouldn't buy for herself? Oooh, that's pretty!" For weeks now I've frequented Target looking for that special something for that special someone (spring is birthday season in my world). And for weeks, there they've been...these little rays of sunshine reminding me that spring was truly coming: the happy cups. They are floral and pastel, but mature and mildly elegant. They would make any mother feel special in the middle of tears, germs, and dirty laundry. So I did it. Spring melted my spending freeze and I purchased four happy cups today, one of each color so when I share them with my girlfriends we won't forget whose is whose. So happy spring.

Umm,can I use the black or blue glass.
Umm, I'll have to make sure they are both clean when you come over. They're my favorites, too!
I think I bought the pink version of those cups for my coworkers for Valentine's Day. I included some of those single packs of drink mix as part of their gift.
Boo. They didn't have pink when I got these!
Do you still have those cool huge plastic tumblers that hold a lot of tea?
You mean the blue ones? No, lost all of those ages ago. I figured if I bought these super girly cups that Chris wouldn't be tempted to take them out of the house (hopefully). We do still have the clear ones, but they are quickly diminishing.
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